FIN 401 - Managerial Finance 2 Videos
Ryerson University
Your Instructor
What's up everybody? My name is Patrick and welcome to my page for FIN 401. If you scroll down, you can find my videos for the course organized by chapter. This page is designed as an extra resource to further deepen students' understanding of finance with the use of lecture videos and examples. Please contact me at 647-961-4348 to access chapters which are not public.
Course Curriculum
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewWACC Overview (video)
PreviewStep 1: Cost of Debt (video)
PreviewStep 2: Cost of Equity (video)
StartStep 3: Cost of Preferred Equity (video)
StartStep 4: Market Value of Debt (video)
StartStep 5: Market Value of Equity (video)
StartStep 6: Market Value of Preferred Equity (video)
StartStep 7: Weighted Average Cost of Capital Formula (video)
StartSample Questions (PDF) - Video Solutions Below
StartQuestion 1 - WACC with New Debt Issue (video)
StartQuestion 2 - Evaluating NPV with All Equity WACC (video)
StartQuestion 3 - WACC based on Enterprise Value (video)
StartQuestion 4 - Multiple WACC within a Firm (video)
StartSTUDENT SENT - Question 1 (written)
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewLeasing vs. Buying Overview (video)
StartOperating vs. Capital (Financial) Lease (video)
StartNet Advantage to Leasing (video)
StartLeasing Paradox - Part 1 (video)
StartLeasing Paradox - Part 2 (video)
StartLeasing Paradox - Part 3 (video)
StartLease Payments in "Perfect Market" (video)
StartSelling Price of Asset in "Perfect Market" (video)
StartLease Timing Differences Part 1 - Straight Line Depreciation (video)
StartLease Timing Differences Part 2 - CCA Depreciation (video)
StartLease Timing Differences Part 3 - Range of Lease Payments (video)
Capital Structure
Available in
after you enroll
StartCapital Structure Overview (video)
StartFinancial Leverage Effects on ROE and EPS - Part 1 (video)
StartFinancial Leverage Effects on ROE and EPS - Part 2 (video)
StartBreakeven EBIT Overview (video)
StartHomemade Leverage - Part 1 (video)
StartHomemade Leverage - Part 2 (video)
StartHomemade Leverage - Part 3 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (no tax) - Part 1 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (no tax) - Part 2 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (no tax) - Part 3 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (no tax) - Part 4 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (with tax) - Part 1 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (with tax) - Part 2 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (with tax) - Part 3 (video)
StartM&M Propositions 1 and 2 (with tax) - Part 4 (video)
StartBreakeven EBIT combined with M&M Proposition Example (video)